This week’s environment and conservation news stories rolled into one.
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Mass death of olive ridley turtles raises urgent call for action
Conservationists attribute the primary cause of the mass turtle deaths to drowning due to entanglement in trawler fishing nets.
How hope and fear in climate fiction impact climate action intentions
A recent study explored whether a combination of hope and fear in climate fiction can induce climate action intentions.
Dengue mortality projected to rise in a warming world
A modelling study based in Pune, Maharashtra found that dengue mortality could rise by 13% in the near future due to climate change.
High stakes but low investment in sustainable agriculture in India
The agricultural sector in India needs to balance food security and job security while dealing with climate change impacts. The government of India has been promoting sustainable agriculture.
Climate change-induced pest outbreak in sugarcane fields impact quality of jaggery
Due to climate change, pest attacks on sugarcane fields are increasing, affecting the juice and sweetness.
[Commentary] India needs a dedicated national wetland inventory programme
There have been efforts to collate national statistics on the extent of wetlands in the country and these have evolved progressively with improvements in cartographic technologies and capacities, especially with the increasing sophistication of the remote sensing programme.
New study finds world’s sharks, rays and chimaeras at risk of extinction
A third of the world’s sharks, rays and chimaeras are threatened with extinction and their numbers have dwindled since 1970.
Caught between exploitation and extremes, Western Ghats’ future hinges on local action
The fragile ecosystem of the Western Ghats is threatened by deforestation, quarrying, and largely unplanned development.