Renuka Kulkarni

Editorial Coordinator
49 stories

[Book Review] Getting to know India’s birds through the eyes of Asad Rahmani

[Commentary] Rooted in art and science, “natural history” carries a legacy of evolution

[Book review] Ancient giants make for great stories

Human equations with their local invasives could be the key to better management

[Book review] Bringing alive the magnificent mountain mammals of the world

[Commentary] Can “life” be defined, one species at a time?

[Book Review] A compelling memoir of a mountaineer-geologist

[Book review] Unravelling India’s seismic mysteries and our preparedness for the future

[Book review] A know-it-all book on the cat with black ears

[Book review] Chronicle of an ‘ecocide’ foretold

The feral elephants of the Andaman Islands

[Book Review] Who are the true stewards of the forests? Decoding forest laws and community rights

Storing carbon in the form of gas hydrates deep under water

As cities become megacities, their lanes are losing green cover

Pricey guests: Urban invasive species cost the world billions every year

Study finds potential to restore native shola trees under the shade of the exotic Acacia

An invasive plant is threatening sloth bear habitats and could increase conflict

Silence of the wolves: How human landscapes alter howling behaviour

[Book review] A frank and fearless autobiography of India’s snakeman

[Commentary] India needs to step up its fight against invasive fishes

Himalayan treelines might be climbing higher in response to climate change

Gujarat bans exotic Conocarpus tree amid health and environment hazard

Lurking behind Lantana, a ‘devil’ is spreading in the mountains

[Book review] Environment and economics: linkages that could make or break our post-pandemic world

Interlinking of rivers could flood India’s freshwater with invasive fish

[Book Review] From footnotes to the forefront: a note of gratitude to invaluable field assistants

[Book review] Women biologists take centre stage saving forests and wildlife

[Interview] In ‘Shades of Blue’, ecologists explore the murky future of India’s urban waters

[Book Review] Pioneer ecologist Madhav Gadgil on his life spent in, and for, India’s biodiversity

[Book Review] A walk down the Nilgiri hills

Megaherbivores could be a potential solution to manage invasive plants, finds study

Bioinvasions are a global threat to ecosystems, says IPBES report

News and Inspiration from Nature's Frontline.