42 stories

Scientists sequence chickpea genome which could inform crop improvement efforts

Scientists raise caution as mangroves erode faster along the Bengal coastline

Using citizen science to track illegal wildlife trade in the Himalayas

Asia’s first mulberry fossil unearthed in Rajasthan’s lignite mines

Integrated farming systems emerge as possible climate adaptation solution

India’s ancient underground fish species under threat due to poor water governance

Land use changes are driving Himalayan forest bird loss

Can biodiversity loss lead to more infectious disease spread?

Deforestation and disease: How natural habitat destruction can fuel zoonotic diseases

What shola sky islands say about diseases in wild birds

Genetics shake-up for India’s tiger conservation plans

What is preventing the widespread adoption of biopesticides in India?

When and from where did black pepper come to India?

Indian forests may be able to withstand climate change better than feared

Conservation of Sikkim biodiversity needs re-strategising: study

New frog species discovered in biodiversity-rich Western Ghats

Study links declining native vegetation to water stress in Kali basin

How resilient is India to water-related disturbances?

Rainforest coffee better for taste and biodiversity, but needs policy support for farmers’ income

Roads reduce conservation effectiveness of protected areas in the Western Ghats

News and Inspiration from Nature's Frontline.