Clean energy News

234 stories

[Webinar] What does India need to meet its 2030 renewable energy targets?

Multiple hydropower projects on the Chenab river ring alarm bells

Discoms and states pivotal to making renewable energy via open access a success

[Video] Why rooftop solar is struggling in Bengaluru

How increasing taxes and decreasing subsidies threaten India’s clean energy growth

Decentralised solar setups give power access to small farmers, facilitate innovations

[Webinar] Can decentralised solutions empower India’s energy transition?

Madhya Pradesh looks to streamline the struggling ecosystem for electric vehicles

How the Sundarbans missed an opportunity to harness solar energy

Are power lines turning Kutch into a bird graveyard from a bird paradise?

Repowering Tamil Nadu’s aging wind farms to meet clean energy targets

As Lohari village is submerged for a dam, homes, farms and memories are drowned

[Commentary] Thirty years after the Rio Summit the green report card is not fully in the red

After starting off slow, Jharkhand eyes mega projects to boost clean energy in state

Conserving biodiversity as wind farms expand in Tamil Nadu

[Podcast] GigaWhat: Farms harvest solar energy

The wind farm paradox in southern Tamil Nadu

Expansion of windmills in Kachchh impact unique thorn forest and wildlife

[Webinar] Is India’s energy transition fair to energy-poor states?

Manipur’s push for dams threatens local ecology and communities