Coal News

56 stories

India’s mining reforms ignore mining-affected communities

Coal industry gets a single-window clearance system but the affected people are ignored

Wind-solar parks: Conflicts galore but India wants more

There is a path to prosperity for India’s coal-dependent towns, but it’s tough

A large scale shift to electric vehicles may not be as environment friendly as it seems

India’s largest coalfield to expand, green cover under threat

Fly ash in India: A free movement of toxicity to Bangladesh

Even with coal, strict air pollution control can prevent early deaths

[Commentary] Align state-centre interests to push India’s clean energy revolution

Will there be a sunrise for workers’ unions in India’s renewable sector?

East and west: The parallel worlds of India’s coal and renewable sectors

[Photos] The rich Hasdeo Arand on the road to become a ravaged Korba?

Tigers and their habitats under threat from the boost to the mining sector

Despite an early vision for sustainability in mining, is India’s progress faltering?

[Video] Is mining in India ‘just’ for the environment and communities?

Cheaper coal transport through water and sky could come at the cost of the environment

Concern for birds grounds Mumbai’s marina project for now

Despite COVID lockdown, environment ministry’s expert panels race to clear projects

Fly ash slurry in Singrauli contaminates water reservoir after taking lives and homes

India’s power consumption falls by 19 percent during COVID-19 lockdown