Conservation News

451 stories

How preserving forests could save the Indian giant squirrel

[Commentary] Documenting the flora and fauna of Phalee to mitigate the impact of forest fires

Climate change threatens the habitat of the endangered white-winged wood duck, finds study

Longwood Shola forest is a water source for villages in the Nilgiris, maintains biodiversity

[Interview] “South Asia needs its own regional plan to sustain Bengal tiger population”

[Commentary] What does the DNA say about the future of the rhino in India?

[Maps] Environmental path cleared for Great Nicobar mega project

How ecotourism in Konkan promotes climate-friendly tourism

All eyes on the next chapter: India prepares to host cheetahs after 70 years

[Explainer] What is biodiversity finance?

The reality of saving young mangroves in the Sundarbans

Sri Lanka fuel shortage takes a toll on wildlife treatment, conservation

Untreated legacy waste is polluting the sensitive wetland ecosystem of Deepor Beel

Gangetic river dolphins in Assam decline in the wake of anthropogenic pressures

[Commentary] Solar fencing to combat human-animal negative interaction in Arunachal

[Interview] Just representation in climate policies empowers women, says Saudamini Das

[Commentary] Wild garlic extraction disturbs wildlife around the Sechu-Tuan Nullah Wildlife Sanctuary

Peace parks as a transboundary approach to conservation

Global illegal trade and farming flourish amid tiger conservation efforts

Nepal and India’s infrastructure rules are “wildlife-friendly,” but not for birds