Coral reefs News

18 stories

Experimenting with artificial reefs to protect marine ecosystems

Plans to explore oil and gas in biodiversity-rich Wadge Bank raises concerns

Artificial reefs to boost fish catch, support livelihoods

Traditional raft fishing threatened as reefs choke on plastic

[Commentary] Conserving marine ecosystems through the Wild Life Protection Act is not very effective

Chennai artist and deep-sea diver creates awareness about coral health

[Commentary] The unspoken crises of Lakshadweep

Ghosts of the gulf: Marine debris a threat to corals in the Gulf of Mannar

Cyclones made coral recovery quicker in Gulf of Mannar this year

Lakshadweep unveils world’s first sea cucumber conservation reserve

Artificial reefs breathe new life for Tamil Nadu’s fishing communities

Study explores recovery patterns of corals in Palk Bay after the 2016 bleaching event

Towards better prediction of coral bleaching

Where do fish go for a spa?

Seabird poop may enhance coral reef recovery after bleaching

Corals in Gulf of Mannar show signs of recovery after bleaching, but new threats loom

Fish in Lakshadweep tweak feeding habits to deal with coral bleaching

The first official record of animal diversity of the Great Nicobar