Endemic species News

45 stories

Meet DiCaprio’s Himalayan serpent

Studies gain pace while the identity of Kashmir’s langurs remains gray

The last feral horses of India

[Commentary] Kerala is a hotspot within a hotspot

Himalayan pikas wait for weather cues to make winter plans

Wild edible plants enhance food security and climate resilience in Kashmir, finds study

[Explainer] How are species named?

With a new discovery, lizard studies get an edge

[Explainer] What are freshwater rock pools and who lives in them?

Grassland loss threatens endemic birds in Arunachal sanctuary

Book on endemic birds says three species almost extinct

From abundance to endangerment to revival, Kachchh’s guggal comes a full circle

[Commentary] Restoring Indian grasslands does not require disturbing soil and planting grasses, but more science

New study traces the evolution of South Asia’s bulbuls to other parts of Asia and even Africa

Jackie Chan, Balerion and Smaug inspire names of gecko species described from Western Ghats

The neelakurinji bloom is wilting with time

Newly described scorpion species from Western Ghats highlight need for more research and conservation

[Commentary] Isolated pockets of unique wildlife populations of Gujarat need immediate attention

The bugyals or Himalayan alpine meadows: a treasure trove endangered

Logging poses a threat to the arboreal Travancore flying squirrel