Environmental politics News

179 stories

Sentimental value alone can’t save Mizoram’s dying river

Can election promises fix India’s ailing heart?

Environment policies that benefit farmers could hold key to votes in Mizoram

Rich in resources, poor in development: Chhattisgarh’s paradox of plenty comes to the fore before the elections

The bullet train may trigger social conflict and have significant environmental cost

What made farmers and tribal groups come to Delhi to protest?

Goa’s environment faces problems from infrastructure boom

Kerala floods: The ghost of past environment policy returns

Is the upcoming Char Dham highway speeding towards environmental disaster?

Are environmental issues finally an important part of India’s election discourse?

A cross-border coal power plant could put Sundarbans at risk

[Commentary] CBD: Can the cure kill?

Is the government in a pre-election haste to revamp green laws?

[Commentary] Why are women neglected as conservers of biodiversity?

Better solar modules needed for India to reach its ambitious RE goals by 2022

Is the Supreme Court judgment on the Kaveri environmentally sustainable?

Uncertainty continues in Goa over mining judgment

Silent Valley: A controversy that focused global attention on a rainforest 40 years ago

Indus, Brahmaputra and Ganga among the top 10 plastic waste carrying rivers