Gujarat News

100 stories

Latest draft notification is another step in the ongoing journey to protect the Western Ghats

India’s policy flip flop on the lion and cheetah

The bullet train may trigger social conflict and have significant environmental cost

Turtles lose to coastal projects in Gujarat and Odisha

Will resettlement issues cause a bumpy ride for the bullet train project?

Less firewood at home means better health for the family

A ‘normal’ monsoon with droughts and floods?

Fracking or food: The oncoming dilemma for water-stressed agricultural areas

Bringing traditional grains back in vogue: Biofortified sorghum debuts in India

High levels of uranium found in groundwater from Rajasthan

International Day for Biological Diversity: A thumbnail-sized fern has Indian scientists divided over its identity

Protected parks or change in human behaviour: what will save the threatened leopards of Gujarat?

[Commentary] The coasts need science-based policy action

The great Indian bustard stands on the brink of extinction

Offshore winds could bring change to India’s renewable energy sector

Shift to coarse grains from rice for healthy, environment-friendly diet: Study

Is the King of the Jungle being hedged in by man-made boundaries?

Clean vs green: Will India’s offshore wind energy push threaten biodiversity?

Will India be able to meet its renewable energy targets by 2022?

Sykes’s lark: The male with more voices gets the mate