India News

1368 stories

Environmental films that turn the lens on wildlife beyond national parks

Where is the DMF money meant for people living in mining areas going?

[Commentary] A post-lockdown pathway for forest-edge communities of central India

Bats not the enemy in the fight against COVID-19

El Niño-Southern Oscillation can affect tuna fish in the Indian Ocean, says FAO report

India’s power consumption falls by 19 percent during COVID-19 lockdown

[Commentary] Covid-19 and food security: Lessons for Indian Agriculture

[Interview] Lockdown throws up challenges for quarantine of plant samples for research

[Commentary] Degrowth and COVID-19: Are we drawing a simplistic connection?

Low-cost, paper-based device being developed for rapid coronavirus detection

A tale of non-existent jackal horns and their online sales

Greens grown in urban kitchen gardens beat the lockdown blues

[Interview] Rumours linking livestock to COVID-19 unfounded, says expert

Energy policies could get reset in light of the COVID-19 pandemic

Tracking sewage to surveil COVID-19

Rajasthan uncovers chinkara poaching racket

Fishers try to stay afloat amid lockdown

Staying indoors in heat-vulnerable, low-income neighbourhoods

Bioresource access and benefit-sharing: How far have we come in India?

[Commentary] In the post-COVID world, health security must be a matter of national security