Kerala News

196 stories

Deaths in human-animal conflict in Wayanad spark protests and debates

[Commentary] Changing shore seines call for better support system for Kerala fishers

Traditional raft fishing threatened as reefs choke on plastic

Restaurants fuelling demand for shark meat in India, finds study

Marine fisheries policy moving against the current of scientific recommendations

Kerala farmers go bananas over diversity

Adivasis of Kerala’s Attappadi hills revive millet cultivation to preserve a fading tradition 

[Commentary] Paddy, politics and environmentalism in Kerala

Wayanad’s soured relationship with Senna

Including indigenous perspectives for equitable forest management

Wayanad is summer home for elephants, says a study

Kerala’s dwindling mangroves need concerted effort in conservation

Kerala needs long-term plans, not quick fixes, for human-elephant conflict

Artisanal fishers deploy communication technologies to stay safe during the monsoon

Kerala’s water budget, a step towards effective water management

Warming water and pollution amplify fish mortality in Kerala during summer

[Video] Combatting wildlife crime with technology

Citizen scientists help discover a blind catfish species hidden inside Kerala’s aquifers

Thirunelly’s seed festival celebrates traditional climate-resilient seeds and farm produce

Brahmapuram fumes over waste