New species News

56 stories

New tarantulas described from the Western Ghats

Meet DiCaprio’s Himalayan serpent

Science welcomed multiple new species in 2024

New king cobra study makes hisss…tory

[Explainer] How are species named?

With a new discovery, lizard studies get an edge

Scientists leap beyond Latin to give local flair to species names

Newly identified shorebird species in Sri Lanka named after Hanuman

Named after their habitats, three new frogs add to Arunachal’s biodiversity

New species of parachute gecko recorded in Mizoram

Citizen scientists help discover a blind catfish species hidden inside Kerala’s aquifers

A newly described cave bat in Sri Lanka indicates presence of more species

Scientists describe a new Himalayan snake species found via Instagram

Jackie Chan, Balerion and Smaug inspire names of gecko species described from Western Ghats

Moth biodiversity assessment finds nearly 500 moth species in Tale Wildlife Sanctuary

Newly described scorpion species from Western Ghats highlight need for more research and conservation

Newly described chameleon from Madagascar may be world’s smallest reptile

Three new leafhopper species described in India

Editor’s review of 2020: Virus, controversies, wildlife, transitions and wetlands

Mysterious new bioluminescent mushroom glows in the forests of Meghalaya