Oceans News

136 stories

Seabird poop may enhance coral reef recovery after bleaching

Microplastics and colourants found in mussels from India’s southeast coast

Your environment this week: India’s disappearing insects, tiger den in Veerappan’s lair, sand mining crisis

Indian research network on horseshoe crab takes wing as the living fossil battles threats

What is seagrass?

Female seagrass flowers uncoil to reach pollen in undersea saga

Your environment this week: Punjab farmers’ widows contest elections, Ganga is shifting at Patna

Creatures from Mumbai’s shore and their housing stories

Vhali Watcher: An app to set whale sharks free

Threatened and undocumented sea snakes of India

Making maps to protect fishing villages around Chennai

What underwater sounds tell us about marine life

A new species of shark from studying fish by-catch

India’s first attempt at regulating fishing trawlers underway

India changes coastal rules, bonanza for the industry

Managing marine life strandings, while national protocol is awaited

They show sea life on the sea shore

Speed up environment clearances for ports: parliament panel

India’s sharks and rays: an ancient species on the brink of extinction

[Commentary]: What sounds can reveal, if we listen