Plants News

98 stories

Meet the beetles, the tiny titans of pollination

An invasive plant is threatening sloth bear habitats and could increase conflict

Cutting lianas can boost carbon sequestration in forests, finds study

[Explainer] What can lichens tell us about atmospheric pollution?

Himalayan treelines might be climbing higher in response to climate change

Gujarat bans exotic Conocarpus tree amid health and environment hazard

Lurking behind Lantana, a ‘devil’ is spreading in the mountains

Alpine plants may alter height or leaf size to cope with early snow-melt conditions

NGOs and conservationists look into commercialising invasive plants from the wild

Wayanad’s soured relationship with Senna

From abundance to endangerment to revival, Kachchh’s guggal comes a full circle

Bioinvasions are a global threat to ecosystems, says IPBES report

Loss of orchid species in Bangladesh is “alarming,” say researchers

Gymnosperms that are critical for coniferous forest health may be steadily declining in response to climate change

Finding gondra amid the floods

Ain’t no mountain high enough: alien invasive plants increasing in higher elevations

Warmer winters in the Kashmir Valley are leading to early flowering of the gul toor

[Explainer] Mass flowering and why some plants bloom and die together

Top invasive species are blooming in India despite climate change

[Explainer] Woody climbers, lianas, embody the inter-connectedness of a forest