Research News

159 stories

[Interview] Wildlife biologist Sumit Dookia on researching the understudied Asiatic wildcat

Study busts myths around king cobra venom

[Analysis] Indian aviation’s turbulent path to sustainability

Clouded leopards develop ways to survive competition

The poorly studied Eurasian lynx in Ladakh needs more research for conservation

Assam study shows bats are crucial for natural pest control in paddy fields

There is more to radio collaring than cheetah deaths

India needs customised climate projections rather than IPCC reports: study

Bees that see at night

[Explainer] Living with microplastics, is not fantastic

[Commentary] Why are evolutionary scientists studying the crawlies?

Birds use waste to build nests in a Bhopal institute

Lab-grown special mosquitoes can be the secret weapon to fight dengue

Palmyra leaf bags substitute plastic nursery bags to support sustainable mangrove restoration

Researchers study the elusive dugongs of the Andamans with help from community stakeholders

New species of parachute gecko recorded in Mizoram

A new study reveals critical gaps in stork research; calls for scrutiny of the IUCN Red List data

Researchers release data set detailing locations and scale of mining sites worldwide

Flying is riskier for female katydids, finds India’s first insect radio telemetry study

Green building regulations give impetus to sustainable data centers in India