Tamil nadu News

197 stories

Scientists leap beyond Latin to give local flair to species names

India adds five more wetlands to its list of Ramsar sites

[Explainer] What can lichens tell us about atmospheric pollution?

Restaurants fuelling demand for shark meat in India, finds study

Marine fisheries policy moving against the current of scientific recommendations

Why south Tamil Nadu received record-breaking rain during the northeast monsoon

A village nurtures traditional food systems in response to climate change

Oil spill in Ennore brings fishing to a standstill

Pythons return home, slowly but surely, finds a new study

Harnessing clean energy for Tamil Nadu’s spinning mills is not as easy as it seems

Six years on, cyclone Ockhi survivors battle lingering mental health impacts

India’s clean energy goals may widen regional disparities, predicts working paper

Marine debris transporting invasive species along the southeastern coast

Women seaweed farmers seek other jobs while India plans industry expansion

Darkness-loving bats are being nudged out of the shadows

Bioinvasions are a global threat to ecosystems, says IPBES report

Hill station waste needs better plan, not just plastic ban

First tender for offshore wind energy expected end of this year, but sector wants more time to study sites

Green pilgrimage model balances faith and conservation

Odanthurai’s windmill experiment, a pioneering move that had its wind knocked out