Andaman and nicobar islands News

37 stories

Almost 20 years after the tsunami, Andaman’s mangroves are still changing

National coastal body says Great Nicobar project no longer in prohibited zone, making way for a port

[Book review] Chronicle of an ‘ecocide’ foretold

[Explainer] How does habitat fragmentation impact India’s biodiversity hotspots?

The feral elephants of the Andaman Islands

The protected Andaman wild pig gets a new lease on life with captive breeding programme

Researchers study the elusive dugongs of the Andamans with help from community stakeholders

Plastic-rock hybrids found on the Andaman Islands

[Maps] Environmental path cleared for Great Nicobar mega project

The container terminal that could sink the Great Nicobar Island

As the climate crisis deepens, Indian scientists call for the conservation of caves

Remnant mangrove tree sites show faster recovery post 2004 tsunami in the Nicobar Islands

Coral transplantation helps, but not the only solution

Harnessing the unrealised potential of agroforestry in curbing climate change in India

Andaman forests need longer intervals between repeat logging for recovery: study

Citizens file RTI applications on Niti Aayog plans for the Andaman & Nicobar islands

Leatherback turtles under threat as government considers ‘development’ in Little Andaman

Great Nicobar’s protected areas to get near-zero eco-sensitive zones for “holistic development”

[Interview] ‘There is so much you can do in the forest service’, says IFS Vanjulavalli Sridhar

The Indian dragons we know so little about