Deforestation News

18 stories

[Interview] Scientist Ruth DeFries on deforestation: There isn’t one driver, there’s a different context in different places

Legal protection of certain forest land to be removed as government pushes security projects

[Interview] IPBES scientist Sandra Diaz on the need for bold targets to tackle biodiversity loss

[Commentary] Lifestyle For Environment is a noble concept, but needs a holistic approach

Manipur landslide sparks ecological debate

Oil palm expansion in northeast India gives rise to human-elephant conflict concerns

The wayfaring musician of West Bengal, who protects the environment

India’s draft on REDD+ safeguards needs a relook

Two lakh trees and water security at stake in Buxwaha’s Bunder diamond mining project

Andaman forests need longer intervals between repeat logging for recovery: study

[Commentary] Landslides in the concrete jungle of Darjeeling

Grassland burning, clearing imperils birds of Brahmaputra’s river islands

As butterfly parks come up for awareness, butterflies continue to lose habitat overall

Deforestation pushes elephants from Chhattisgarh to Madhya Pradesh, increasing conflict

Deforestation and disease: How natural habitat destruction can fuel zoonotic diseases

Orangutans go into starvation mode with forest fires in Indonesia, study finds

India has brought 9.8 million hectares of degraded land under restoration since 2011

[Interview] Inter-disciplinary research was lonely in the early years: Bawa