Development News

13 stories

South Goa tourist hubs found highly vulnerable to climate change

Matsyanyaya: A journey through India’s landscapes swallowed by urbanisation

Land use changes and roads disrupt genetic connectivity of herbivores in central India

[Commentary] Moving towards post-growth economics

Environmentalists raise concerns as work on J&K’s Tawi riverfront continues

Mizoram youth protest against the national highways widening project

[Commentary] Pokkali, a GI-tagged rice variety, could be on the verge of extinction

In the name of development, Bihar is slowly losing its dense forests 

The container terminal that could sink the Great Nicobar Island

An upcoming port in Karnataka is shrinking space for olive ridley turtles

Karnataka’s port-development spree ignores coastal communities’ concerns

Is Shimla’s first major development plan in 43 years a lost opportunity?

A decade on, India’s first solar park has many promises left to fulfil