Himalayas News

64 stories

New study proposes roadmap to conserve the clouded leopard

Meet DiCaprio’s Himalayan serpent

Sonam Wangchuk and climate marchers stopped, detained, and then released by Delhi Police

Urban expansion drives forest loss in India’s biodiversity hotspots

Long-term monitoring of Himalayan glaciers essential to assess their health

Climate change affects mating in yaks; breeding season shifts

Eastern Ghats debuts in new landslide susceptibility map

Genes connect, geography separates red pandas

Tender coconut waste proves to be a tough nut to crack

Western Himalayas more “risk prone” than the East, according to new index

[Commentary] Pressures on the Thanpattan pastureland threaten biodiversity, pastoral livelihoods

Lurking behind Lantana, a ‘devil’ is spreading in the mountains

[Commentary] Take a deep breath and rethink infrastructure development in the Himalayas

Scientists have found ancient ocean water in the Himalayas that could offer insights about evolution

Study finds climate change causing snow leopards to scale altitudes

Accelerated glacier retreat in Ladakh could spawn three glacial lakes, Wadia Institute study says

Himalayas losing glaciers and snow: more hazards in the offing, a new study finds

Climate change and catfight in the Himalayas: tigers, leopards venture into snow leopard land

Denial of clearance to Etalin hydel project offers relief to some; may impact Arunachal’s hydropower development plan

Nourishing soils of Kashmir’s karewas crumble under infrastructure