Human wildlife conflict News

61 stories

Living in fear as tigers leave the woods for the hood

[Book review] Bringing alive the magnificent mountain mammals of the world

Climate change, habitat loss drive elephants to look for newer pastures 

Mugger crocodiles may be physiologically stressed in disturbed habitats

Wildlife rescue operations in Kashmir face an uphill battle with rising human-wildife conflict

Deaths in human-animal conflict in Wayanad spark protests and debates

Living with wildlife in urban Asia

Problems maximise for Elephas maximus in Karnataka

Mistaken identity becomes a major threat for India’s small wild cats

Kerala needs long-term plans, not quick fixes, for human-elephant conflict

The hidden side of human-elephant conflicts: orphaned calves

A hill town in Nilgiris district pays the price for poor waste management

Experts call for coexistence, sustainable development as tiger population is close to saturation

Mapping connectivity and human-elephant conflict in Karnataka

Farmers in Kaziranga demand timely, sufficient compensation for the crop raids by wildlife

Assam loco pilots on the need for effective communication to prevent elephant-rail collision

What’s for lunch? Elephants are picky eaters finds study in northern West Bengal

Identifying individual mugger crocodiles using drone technology to minimise conflicts

[Interview] A photographer on his long-term effort to document human-wildlife interactions

[Commentary] Solar fencing to combat human-animal negative interaction in Arunachal