Urban News

21 stories

Citizens’ movement against tree felling modifies a flyover plan

How Mumbai’s golden jackals adapt to survive in the urban wilderness

Climate action needs cities and cities need funds

New urban governance bill in Bengaluru faces criticism, takes away citizen power says analysis

Budget balances coalition demands, job challenges and green initiatives

Rethinking master plans for India’s growing cities

Closing Bengaluru parks in the afternoons deprives outdoor workers of refuge from heat

As cities become megacities, their lanes are losing green cover

[Commentary] The future of Delhi’s green spaces

When citizens take ownership of urban commons

[Commentary] Disaster resilience in the built environment

Should rural India drink urban wastewater?

[Commentary] Lifestyle For Environment is a noble concept, but needs a holistic approach

[Commentary] Pokkali, a GI-tagged rice variety, could be on the verge of extinction

What if we designed homes to stay cool?

[Illustrations] Why are temperatures within a city’s neighbourhoods different?

Electromagnetic radiation levels till a certain limit found to have no impact on sparrows in Guwahati

Greens grown in urban kitchen gardens beat the lockdown blues

Demolition of illegal construction in Sukhna lake area put on hold till the pandemic is under control

Travel the great indoors for a glimpse of your city’s natural world