
48 stories

Why do we keep falling for fake news about animals and what can go wrong?

[Commentary] Pastoral communities of Tamil Nadu in peril

Conservation biologists navigate the new normal

Fly ash slurry in Singrauli contaminates water reservoir after taking lives and homes

India’s wildlife veterinary system needs an upgrade to tackle zoonotic diseases

Can biodiversity loss lead to more infectious disease spread?

Involving traditional healers in public health initiatives to mitigate spread of COVID-19 in Bastar

Fireflies appear to be vanishing in this Andhra Pradesh village

Your Environment This Week: Bats not the enemy, plant quarantines and fake ‘jackal horns’

Bats not the enemy in the fight against COVID-19

El Niño-Southern Oscillation can affect tuna fish in the Indian Ocean, says FAO report

Using lessons from disaster management, Odisha takes on COVID-19

India’s power consumption falls by 19 percent during COVID-19 lockdown

[Commentary] Covid-19 and food security: Lessons for Indian Agriculture

[Interview] Lockdown throws up challenges for quarantine of plant samples for research

[Commentary] Degrowth and COVID-19: Are we drawing a simplistic connection?

Low-cost, paper-based device being developed for rapid coronavirus detection

A new species of wood snake emerges in the Western Ghats, mottled in grey-brown

A tale of non-existent jackal horns and their online sales

Your Environment This Week: Vultures of Bundelkhand, women fight against waste dumping