Aditi Tandon

Senior Production Editor


Aditi Tandon is the Senior Production Editor at Mongabay India.

390 stories

Unlocking the secrets of the grooving gibbons

Silt, a major reason for Kosi river’s flooding

Loss and damage funding languishes as costs of climate disasters multiply

Finance and mitigation divide stalls progress at COP29 in Baku

Developing nations demand public grants, not loans, at COP29 finance talks

‘Red alert’ as temperatures cross 1.5 degrees for 16 months straight

New king cobra study makes hisss…tory

Climate action needs cities and cities need funds

Talks on climate finance deadlocked in Baku summit as G20 nations meet in Brazil

Indian scientists are showing an interest in advancing solar geoengineering research

Adaptation is key as India stares at GDP loss due to climate change

India advances with deep-sea mining technology

Carbon trading rules fast-tracked at COP29, amid criticism

A new era of science festivals in India is bringing science to the public

Matsyanyaya: A journey through India’s landscapes swallowed by urbanisation

Most climate adaptation projects are unsustainable or not up to the mark, says new UN report

Climate COP aims to finalise global carbon market rules under Article 6

The lizard caught between myth and modernisation

Island villages between Kosi embankments neglected after Bihar floods

Conserving India’s biodiversity will cost Rs. 816 billion per year, says new plan

The last feral horses of India

Climate finance to take centre stage at upcoming climate COP

Unsustainable tourism, habitat changes eclipse the dazzling world of fireflies

Balancing conservation and agroforestry to tackle climate change

Greenwashing guidelines a ‘welcome step’, but needs enforcement, says industry

Cat calls and pugmarks: Two researchers navigate the quiet world of small wild felids 

[Explainer] What is teal carbon?

Can organic farmers’ markets encourage chemical-free farming?

A football tournament kicks off conversations about sports and climate

Mongabay India honoured with Greenaccord International Media Award

Converting carbon dioxide into fuels for the future

When people’s participation propels science

News and Inspiration from Nature's Frontline.