118 stories

Kerala’s dwindling mangroves need concerted effort in conservation

Studies highlight local perception of ecosystem services

As temperatures increase, India’s solar sector feels the heat

“Justice” takes centrestage in the latest Earth Commission report

The hidden side of human-elephant conflicts: orphaned calves

A hill town in Nilgiris district pays the price for poor waste management

Red listing the Pulicat lagoon may help protect the ecosystem, say researchers

Making sense of rainfall changes in Karnataka’s coffee estates through old records

[Interview] A photographer on his long-term effort to document human-wildlife interactions

Karnataka sets green goals but denotifies two-thirds of its forest land in plot twist

How an underground phenomenon triggered by global warming is damaging the Himalayas

Celebrating tiger numbers in Sathyamangalam Tiger Reserve, while tribal residents await their rights

Pavagada solar park busts notions of renewable energy as inherently good

Given land for power, Pavagada residents now powerless

Aadhimalai, winner of UN Equator Prize from Nilgiris, offers a lesson in indigenous economics

The neelakurinji bloom is wilting with time

Soil in Kerala’s monoculture plantations less healthy, productive than natural forests: study

Kerala’s homegardens are a natural solution for climate change mitigation

A new tool to site renewable power projects to avoid conflicts

Radio telemetry signals new ways to study snakes

News and Inspiration from Nature's Frontline.