Animal behaviour News

84 stories

Himalayan pikas wait for weather cues to make winter plans

Mugger crocodiles may be physiologically stressed in disturbed habitats

Biologists turn content creators to teach Indians about native biodiversity, ethically

Does size matter? How leopards on forest fringes choose livestock kill

Study finds leopard cats and red foxes cohabit regions in the Western Himalayas

Civet latrines in the shade puzzle researchers

Species no bar: Langurs forge unusual alliances in the wild

Gharial conservation should extend to unprotected rivers

Insufficient data hinders otter conservation in northeast India

Silence of the wolves: How human landscapes alter howling behaviour

Study finds more animals showing same-sex behaviour, but also reveals stigmas in research

Researchers in Nepal still puzzled over the super flock of pigeons last winter

Darkness-loving bats are being nudged out of the shadows

Farmers in Kaziranga demand timely, sufficient compensation for the crop raids by wildlife

How preserving forests could save the Indian giant squirrel

[Interview] Author Karen Bakker tunes in to the world of non-human sounds

Monitoring crossing structures in tiger reserves offers insights into species movement, behaviour

Habitat changes may be causing sarus cranes to form breeding trios

Tiger movements between India and Nepal become increasingly restricted, even as numbers rise

[Interview] Priyan Perera: Shining a light on the little-studied Indian pangolins in Sri Lanka