Grasslands News

46 stories

Rajasthan’s latest draft forest policy proposes strict control over mining

Saving the last remaining grassland habitat in Bengaluru region

Conserving the grass on Himalayan slopes

[Commentary] Of ants and antelopes – the ecological history of Chennai was not what one would imagine

The bugyals or Himalayan alpine meadows: a treasure trove endangered

Conserve both large intact and small degraded habitats to maintain biodiversity

Livestock grazing drives blue sheep in the Himalayas to forage in sub-optimal areas

Finn’s weaver faces a risk of extinction

[Commentary] Pastoral communities of Tamil Nadu in peril

The complex life of Banni

Peatlands are crucial carbon sinks but they are not on the map

Rajasthan villages fight to protect their common lands from mining activities

Your environment this week: Punjab farmers’ widows contest elections, Ganga is shifting at Patna

When the grass was green: Todas of the Nilgiris long for their lost grasslands

[Commentary] The flight of a bustard

Harriers that winter in India are declining

Kaziranga facing twin threats of rampant mining, erosion: NTCA

The great Indian bustard stands on the brink of extinction

This draft national forest policy too gives short shrift to grasslands

Playing Cupid to conserve the remaining pygmy hogs in Assam