India News

1403 stories

[Explainer] How are invasive alien plants removed?

India approves mission to bridge critical mineral gap in energy transition

Political stir follows expert panel’s approval to rebuild Teesta dam in Sikkim

[Commentary] Centring local communities in digital climate technologies

Budget prioritises resilience and energy security, skips major green announcements

Drones take wildlife conservation to new heights

High stakes but low investment in sustainable agriculture in India

[Commentary] India needs a dedicated national wetland inventory programme

Mass death of olive ridley turtles raises urgent call for action

How hope and fear in climate fiction impact climate action intentions

Carbon farming projects not always inclusive and equitable, says new study

[Commentary] The indomitable and highly resilient geckos

Miners trapped as a rat-hole coal mine floods

[Explainer] What is blue carbon?

Audit report flags issues with coastal projects

Indigenous turtle-safe fishing devices help India tackle U.S. shrimp ban

[Explainer] How did India phase out ozone-depleting substances and what lies ahead?

Indian taxonomist forays into the uncharted waters of meiofauna

South Goa tourist hubs found highly vulnerable to climate change

A regional hub in the Himalayas to reduce risks from climate-induced disasters