Indian ocean News

25 stories

[Explainer] What are fish refugia?

Indian taxonomist forays into the uncharted waters of meiofauna

Storing carbon in the form of gas hydrates deep under water

Scientists to set sail to revive Indian Ocean observations hit by COVID-19

Analysing the history of the Indian Ocean with past cruise records and sediment cores

European Union’s collusion with fishing lobbies is damaging the Indian Ocean tuna, say critics

[Interview] Purnima Jalihal on the evolution and future of ocean energy systems in India

Deep-sea mining efforts gear up to meet clean energy demands amid concerns

[Explainer] What are tropical cyclones? How are they formed?

[Explainer] How does the Indian monsoon develop?

[Explainer] What factors affect the Indian summer monsoon?

India needs more conservation-relevant research on sharks and rays

Demand for sea cucumbers turns India-Sri Lanka waters into trafficking hotspot

Newly declared dugong conservation reserve will help protect marine biodiversity

High-flying dragons: how the globe skimmer migrates across the Indian Ocean

Fish markets in India driven by bycatch and sustained by subsidies

Millions of seahorses caught as bycatch in Indian shores

India’s deep seabed mining plans gear up for a dive

[Commentary] Conserving marine ecosystems through the Wild Life Protection Act is not very effective

Safeguard Lakshadweep islands from future sea-level rise: study