Pollution News

195 stories

Pune’s proposed river rejuvenation project does not consider ecology, hydrogeology, and climate change, say experts

[Commentary] Thirty years after the Rio Summit the green report card is not fully in the red

Reviving history and the environment in the City of Djinns and saints

The world agrees on treaty to end plastic pollution

[Illustration] The journey of plastic pollution in the Ganges

Aerosol pollution is a health hazard that also destabilises Earth’s climate

[Explainer] How do we recycle plastic?

[Explainer] Where the plastic things are: unexpected plastic products in our lives

New study shows we have breached Earth’s threshold for chemical pollution

Tackling the integrated challenge of plastic pollution and climate change

[Commentary] Industrialisation gone wrong in coastal Cuddalore

[Explainer] What is the effect of plastic on ecosystems?

[Explainer] The life of plastic: born a hero, dying an outcast, resurrected a monster

The migratory routes of plastic

Odisha has an ambitious electric vehicle plan but faces challenges

Stone mining in Brahmagiri mountains chips away at the Godavari River ecosystem

Environmentalists concerned over easy clearances for Bengaluru’s real estate

Mass deaths of birds in Faridkot linked to use of chemicals on fruit trees

Odisha diverts DMF funds to urban areas as mining-affected communities suffer

Measures beyond recycling needed in tandem with plastic waste rules