Protected areas News

163 stories

Namdapha National Park deforestation causes clash between authorities and Yobin communities

Peace parks as a transboundary approach to conservation

[Commentary] SC judgement on eco-sensitive zone is the icing on the cake for biodiversity

Bangladesh Sundarbans communities face hardships following a resource hunting ban

Plastic, glass and other waste materials found in elephant dung in Uttarakhand

Poachers saw off horn, but leave rhino alive in a unique case in Assam

Nepal, India need robust conservation policies for farmland birds outside protected areas

[Commentary] Is expansion of aquaculture in the Indian Sundarbans an ecological threat or a pathway to sustainable development?

[Book review] A rough draft of conservation history

Is a tiger reserve in Rajasthan’s Kumbhalgarh a bad idea?

One year of Similipal forest fire: The hits and misses

Geotagging to monitor vultures in MP’s Panna Tiger Reserve

Nepal’s first bird sanctuary could be a new attraction for Indian tourists

Newly declared dugong conservation reserve will help protect marine biodiversity

Editor’s review 2021: Energy transitions, biodiversity-climate change links

The birth of Raimona, Assam’s sixth national park

Conservation by eliminating human presence is a flawed construct: study

[Commentary] Bridge the North-South divide for a more just UN Biodiversity Framework

Mangar, on the outskirts of New Delhi, looks to its past to protect its future

Study examines wildlife-friendly land use for conservation beyond Nagarahole and Bandipur national parks