Tamil nadu News

189 stories

[Video] A wagtail on shared space, birdwatching and hope

Industries violating coastal zone law can now get away with paying compensation

When an army of women came together to revive a river

As threats increase, community’s effort to save Pulicat lake continues

[Interview] ‘There is so much you can do in the forest service’, says IFS Vanjulavalli Sridhar

An elephant corridor raises conflict in the Nilgiris

The missing chapter in wildlife rescue: crowd control

World Wetlands Day: Celebrating the champions who protect our wetlands

Ghosts of the gulf: Marine debris a threat to corals in the Gulf of Mannar

Cyclones brought relief to migratory birds in parched Tamil Nadu but more action is needed

Oh My Gaur! Living alongside the Indian bison that’s moving out of forests

[Commentary] The disappearing grasslands of southern Tamil Nadu

Though Cyclone Nivar had a soft landing, floods hit coastal districts

[Commentary] Life of chow: a lockdown story

The Todas may have moved up the Nilgiris 3500 years ago: study

Concerns over Sillahalla hydroelectric project coming up in the ecosensitive Nilgiris

Discarded single-use plastic masks and gloves are choking ocean beds

Sankar and his community dig canals to save Muthupet’s mangroves

Nilgiris district collector says, environment before development

[Commentary] Of ants and antelopes – the ecological history of Chennai was not what one would imagine