Karnataka News

168 stories

India records increase in leopard population but real number could be much more

City of blinding lights: Artificial light disturbs nature’s processes in Bengaluru

Oh My Gaur! Living alongside the Indian bison that’s moving out of forests

Life and struggles of the sloth bear in human-dominated areas

The link between Bengaluru’s lakes, livelihoods and local memories

Discarded single-use plastic masks and gloves are choking ocean beds

Architectural secrets of termite mounds

Frog discovered in the Eastern Ghats also found in the Western Ghats, more than 1000 km away

Katte and Kunte: The lesser known waterbodies of Bengaluru

The shepherd who digs ponds for animals

The slender loris struggles to find canopy in Bengaluru

Air pollution in cities takes a toll on bees

Bengaluru’s Biodiversity Management Committee is back in action

Splintered habitats may imperil egg-carrying butterflies

Rainfall in parts of Karnataka has reduced over decades

Revival and absence of Bengaluru’s traditional crop varieties

There’s more to Kodagu floods than heavy rains

Will the ease of doing business make life harder for farmers in Karnataka?

How a Karnataka district is rapidly losing lush forest cover

Karnataka government okays rail line in the Western Ghats