Tamil nadu News

189 stories

Debate over Mullaperiyar dam’s safety continues with opposing views in Kerala and Tamil Nadu

Newly declared dugong conservation reserve will help protect marine biodiversity

Chennai’s fight to preserve its wetlands and stay above water

Aadhimalai, winner of UN Equator Prize from Nilgiris, offers a lesson in indigenous economics

[Commentary] Industrialisation gone wrong in coastal Cuddalore

[Interview] Chennai floods again after losing many blue and green spaces

[Commentary] Balancing trade-offs between biodiversity conservation and livelihoods

Most famines in south India under British rule due to minor rainfall fluctuations, rather than extreme events

Coral transplantation helps, but not the only solution

Large-scale removal of Banni’s invasive ‘mad tree’ Prosopis is not the solution: study

[Commentary] Nature-based solutions hold the key to transform our cities into resilient spaces

Millions of seahorses caught as bycatch in Indian shores

Environmental activism in the Nilgiris: too early to rejoice?

Has Sterlite Copper been able to generate the promised oxygen supply?

Are we overlooking the role of grasslands in mitigating climate change?

[Commentary] Elephants and humans coexist in Pandanallur

Chennai artist and deep-sea diver creates awareness about coral health

A new tiger reserve holds hope for revival of Vaigai river in Madurai

Southern India’s 2016-2018 drought was the worst in 150 years

Checking spread of invasive alien fish as India faces climate extremes