Protected areas News

53 stories

Government eyes recognising non-protected conservation areas to meet biodiversity goals

The courage and legacy of mahouts in Kaziranga

More wild water buffaloes in central India to fix population decline and ecological degradation

[Interview] Former forest officer Rajiv Bhartari on zoning in Corbett Tiger Reserve and its impacts

Including indigenous perspectives for equitable forest management

Megaherbivores could be a potential solution to manage invasive plants, finds study

Cheetahs introduced in Kuno National Park struggle with humidity and weather conditions

Questions arise about Project Cheetah as three cheetahs die in 45 days

[Commentary] Mobilising resources for biodiversity conservation in the far eastern Himalayas

[Commentary] Solar fencing to combat human-animal negative interaction in Arunachal

Poachers saw off horn, but leave rhino alive in a unique case in Assam

A bird sanctuary’s survival is being threatened in Uttar Pradesh

[Book review] A rough draft of conservation history

[Book Review] An ecologist’s ode to his field assistant, elephants and Buxa

Return of the tiger at West Bengal’s Buxa tiger reserve

In Arunachal’s Sessa Orchid Sanctuary communities collaborate with forest officials to conserve orchids

Tackling agrobiodiversity loss in Odisha’s Similipal protected area

The birth of Raimona, Assam’s sixth national park

Assam to destroy nearly 2500 seized rhino horns in anti-poaching message

Maharashtra’s first endemic tree rediscovered after 180 years at Harishchandragad hill