Habitat fragmentation News

91 stories

Decline in white-bellied sea eagle nests in coastal areas raises concerns

Studies gain pace while the identity of Kashmir’s langurs remains gray

Lion-tailed macaques navigate twin hurdles

[Explainer] How does habitat fragmentation impact India’s biodiversity hotspots?

The hispid hare’s habitat in Himalayan grasslands is shrinking fast

Where are the birds of the shrinking grasslands of Maharashtra?

Species no bar: Langurs forge unusual alliances in the wild

Nilgiri pipit seeks better status as habitat shrinks

Deaths in human-animal conflict in Wayanad spark protests and debates

Indrella ampulla’s genetic tapestry unveils colour morphs isolated across the Palghat Gap

Wayanad is summer home for elephants, says a study

Pallas’s cat’s sightings become more common in Ladakh

Improved tiger numbers come with hidden messages on invasives, habitat connectivity

Habitat loss due to tourism in the Western Ghats pushes endangered frogs to the edge

Small cats in big trouble: Why we need to save these elusive endangered species

Roadkill instances in Jammu and Kashmir increase as highways lengthen

How preserving forests could save the Indian giant squirrel

Peace parks as a transboundary approach to conservation

Human-animal conflict in Kashmir leaves a trail of deaths and psychological impacts

[Commentary] Connecting corridors for tigers in Central India