India News

1406 stories

Sonbhadra’s tryst with fake news gets more attention than its reality

What does the Kaveri delta’s new protected special agricultural zone mean for livelihoods?

Orangutans go into starvation mode with forest fires in Indonesia, study finds

Who’s looking after the animals of India?

Shrouded in secrecy, a new bill for pesticide management coming to parliament soon

Bringing freshwater turtles out of their shells and into the spotlight

A journey through the clouds to improve Indian monsoon forecast

[Commentary] The flight of a bustard

Lightning kills more people than other weather extremes

Stories of positive actions towards biodiversity conservation in 2018

Stories that highlighted the intrinsic link between women and biodiversity in 2018

Despite promises and allocations the Ganga flows polluted and fettered

India’s new compensatory afforestation rules dilute rights of forest dwellers

[Commentary] CBD obstructs biological research that needs international collaboration

India soon to have guidelines to save birds from wind energy farms

Fan-throated lizards fanned out when the monsoons took hold

Rescuing wildlife straying into the wrong jungle

Mongabay-India: Bringing biodiversity discussions into the mainstream

Indus, Brahmaputra and Ganga among the top 10 plastic waste carrying rivers

[Video] Tree crickets turn leaves into megaphones to attract mates