Karnataka News

169 stories

Karnataka government okays rail line in the Western Ghats

Fishers try to stay afloat amid lockdown

Caught between floods, protests and a pandemic, ecotourism operators bat for resilience

Could tribal honey hunters help save the bees and improve our food security?

What does the Kaveri delta’s new protected special agricultural zone mean for livelihoods?

Marine subsidies are a mess, say small scale fishers of southern Karnataka

[Video] The barefoot ecologist who brought forests to life

[Photos] Home in Maharashtra, farm in Karnataka leaves flood victims nowhere

“There is no fish in the ocean”: Declining catch worries fishers in southern Karnataka

Leopards fall into deep open wells in Karnataka

Beached in Goa

Much ado about a highway

Farmers demand water in return for land in Yettinahole river diversion project

MoEFCC expert committee gives wildlife clearance for Kaiga nuclear plant’s expansion

Bengaluru’s neighbourhood parks can support biodiversity

Can humans and elephants cohabit in Kodagu?

Elephants in the estate: Humans and elephants tussle for space in Kodagu

Mekedatu project threatens to submerge chunks of Cauvery Wildlife Sanctuary

An agroforestry scientist’s notes on Kodagu, coffee and climate change

In the Western Ghats ridges it is ice that keeps the shola-grasslands intact