Karnataka News

167 stories

As cloud seeding catches on in times of climate change, more research holds the key

How the legacy of a colonial hunter has inspired conservation efforts in the forests of south India

Elephants form unusual all-male groups to survive human landscapes

To find out monkey fever’s next destination, scientists follow the ticks that carry it

An SOS call for the ‘Tiger of Kaveri’

Old Veerappan lair set to be a tiger den

Film puts Karnataka’s biodiversity on the global map

Will dhole packs continue roaming the forests of the Western Ghats?

Electric buses in India: To be or not to be?

Ping! Elephants ahead: reducing human-elephant conflict, one SMS at a time

Study links declining native vegetation to water stress in Kali basin

[Commentary] The future of the otter hangs by a thread

How lizards in Bengaluru are faring, when compared to their country cousins

Will citizen technology rescue Bengaluru’s lakes in 2019?

Roads versus wildlife in Karnataka’s protected areas

Latest draft notification is another step in the ongoing journey to protect the Western Ghats

When drought and extreme heat strike forests at the same time

Following the sound trail: pulling India’s cicadas out of oblivion

Higher average temperatures linked to chikungunya risk in India

Andhra Pradesh’s push for zero budget natural farming inspires others