Telangana News

30 stories

Farming with AI and drones to increase yields, manage resources and reduce pests

[Photos] Women, heat and informal housing

[Commentary] The missing caste from commons: A reflection from a Telangana village

From paddy to palm oil: Telangana focuses on water intensive crops

Despite challenges, Telangana plans to expand oil palm plantation area by 22 times

[Commentary] Forest restoration: challenges and opportunities for India

With land acquisition challenges, Telangana eyes floating solar parks

Telangana focuses on clean energy to enhance its power supply

Telangana’s public transport system steadily moving to clean power

Controversial uranium mining project shelved in Telangana

[Commentary] Counting bulbuls to conserve the Deccan hillocks and scrub forests

Hyderabad floods highlight the need for a disaster mitigation and climate resilience plan

Discarded single-use plastic masks and gloves are choking ocean beds

Migratory openbill storks find safe haven in Andhra village

New research improves understanding on dengue, but vaccine search continues

Light pollution on the rise in India: Study

[Analysis] Will environmental issues drive the narrative in the 2019 national elections?

No place for political campaigning as Vemulaghat’s ongoing protest stands strong

In spite of mega projects water is scarce in rural Telangana

Durga puja art exhibits spur dialogue on conservation