Water pollution News

161 stories

Bauxite mining threatens India’s lone wolf sanctuary and an interstate river

There is a path to prosperity for India’s coal-dependent towns, but it’s tough

The link between Bengaluru’s lakes, livelihoods and local memories

India’s largest coalfield to expand, green cover under threat

Discarded single-use plastic masks and gloves are choking ocean beds

Rajasthan’s phosphate mines deprive villagers of land, livelihood, health

Fly ash in India: A free movement of toxicity to Bangladesh

Katte and Kunte: The lesser known waterbodies of Bengaluru

Choking the fields: Impact of mining on Goa’s paddy

The precarious journey of Goa’s mining-affected and dependent people

Kolar Gold fields: From fields of gold to a dust bowl

Chennai’s Adyar river shows signs of recovery after years of government investment

West Bengal fishermen observe fewer shrimp and fish deaths by pollution this year

East and west: The parallel worlds of India’s coal and renewable sectors

Protecting rivers and involving communities to conserve Himalayas’ shy otters

[Video] Is mining in India ‘just’ for the environment and communities?

The Indus dolphin is struggling in India, thriving in Pakistan

Ganga’s wait for a cleaner tomorrow continues …

Mines ministry seeks public hearing exemption for expansion of non-coal mining projects

[Commentary] ‘Righting’ the wrong: Rights of rivers in India