Rivers News

54 stories

Corridors with high human activities may not ease elephant connectivity: study

Fantastic beasts and why plastic is bad for them

Mahananda river survey records 190 dolphins, warns of fishing threats to Red List species

[Commentary] Worsening water quality in Ganga’s lower stretches and what it means for us

Ecological degradation at Narmada’s origin in Amarkantak spells more trouble

Gharials swimming across India-Nepal border an opportunity for enhanced co-operation

Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna delta in peril due to sea-level rise, says study

Sikkim braces for climate extremes

As the Brahmaputra swells, erosion-affected families await revised policy

Gangetic dolphins struggle to communicate as their underwater homes get noisy

[Commentary] Feni river agreement offers hope, but water sharing remains contentious

Unstoppable rivers: Bhutan’s quest for energy security and development in a changing climate

Western Maharashtra floods: A man-made disaster?

Gangetic river dolphins in the Indian Sundarbans struggle with swelling salinity

Linking Kerala floods to anthropogenic climate change ‘difficult’, finds a study

Meghalaya’s black holes: Unregulated rat-hole coal mines ravage environment

Can election promises fix India’s ailing heart?

Latest draft notification is another step in the ongoing journey to protect the Western Ghats

Despite promises and allocations the Ganga flows polluted and fettered

Manipur’s native fishes in troubled waters