Priyanka Shankar

322 stories

High temperatures lead to decline in coconut production, spiked prices

Tamil Nadu’s grazing ban threatens rights, livelihoods of forest dwellers

[Commentary] Unified action needed to tackle extreme heat and air pollution

Kolkata’s overlooked air pollution crisis

Rising above the waters with musk melon

[Commentary] Celebrating potato, the global staple

Population rise a bittersweet win for greater adjutant storks, as poison enters their diet

In forested villages powered by solar, kitchen gardens aid in nutrition

Researchers describe a new cicada species, bicolor butterfly, from Meghalaya

Tagging crocodiles with satellite transmitters

Understanding roosting habits of the Indian flying fox to improve conservation

Rising temperatures alter insect-crop interactions and impact agricultural productivity

Tender coconut waste proves to be a tough nut to crack

Port project in Maharashtra cleared by environment ministry despite opposition from fishing villages

[Photos] Women, heat and informal housing

[Video] Maize takes centre stage as Bihar ramps up biofuel production

Waterbirds adapt to nest and roost in the urban oases of Udaipur

[Video] Complexities of siting a windfarm in the Western Ghats

[Commentary] GROW with agroforestry, a step towards sustainable land management

Forest laws complicate access to safe drinking water for tribal groups

Wildcats found in India gain international conservation status at CMS COP14

The fish that skips and crawls on land

Environomy: A Challenge Across Generations

Solar power helps nuns meet water needs during winters

Environomy: The One That Got Missed

[Book Review] A spotlight on India’s vanishing wildlife

[Charts] What is the 1.5°C ‘target’?

[Explainer] Why is it getting hotter?

Environomy: India Buys A Fast Car

Environomy: Playing With The Pillars

Hindi cinema embraces environmental narratives

Environomy: They Came, They Rapped, They Lobbied

News and Inspiration from Nature's Frontline.