Maharashtra News

187 stories

[Video] In conversation with Rahul Ram: Exploring the confluence of music and environment

Beekeeping empowers women, brings in honey and lush kitchen gardens

Conserving sacred groves through community participation

One of the world’s most trafficked animals needs focus outside India’s protected areas

To dam or not to dam? Floods in eastern Vidarbha raise the perennial debate

The tigers that live in a thermal power plant

Mumbai’s COVID waste peaks, second waste treatment plant not in sight

Deep below the surface, boreholes offer clues to past warming in the Western Ghats

Low fish catch along India’s western coast hints at impacts of climate change

Watching my friendly neighbours, flying foxes

Ecosystems-based adaptation keeps water running in Bhojdari even in dry months

Rail route through tiger reserve set to get busier, faster

[Book Review] Good information, data and people’s support is needed for conservation

How Mumbai’s fishers adapted in the lockdown, kept their sales alive

Anxious farmers in Maharashtra prepare to sow amidst lockdown

Fishers try to stay afloat amid lockdown

[Commentary] The last tiger of Ajanta

Staying indoors in heat-vulnerable, low-income neighbourhoods

Olive ridleys day-nest in Odisha after seven years, but no link to lockdown say experts

[Interview] Taking One Health approach to tackle zoonoses crucial for India