Post format aside News

188 stories

A blooming tale of transformation

Surviving a heat stroke, against all odds

Farming with AI and drones to increase yields, manage resources and reduce pests

[Photos] Women, heat and informal housing

Kyasanur Forest Disease: A ticking health bomb in the Western Ghats

Wheeling towards sustainable pottery making in Khurja

Kachchh potters fired up for change with improved kilns

Kerala farmers go bananas over diversity

Resurrecting khadeen, the ancient water harvesting structure of Rajasthan

Six years on, cyclone Ockhi survivors battle lingering mental health impacts

Women seaweed farmers seek other jobs while India plans industry expansion

Ruza, a traditional water harvesting system for the water-scarce mountains

The sounds of restoration

A hill town in Nilgiris district pays the price for poor waste management

Finding gondra amid the floods

Artisanal fishers of Rameswaram resist the polluting shrimp farms on the island

[Photos] Old homes of Kashmir’s cold valley

Nourishing soils of Kashmir’s karewas crumble under infrastructure

[Maps] Environmental path cleared for Great Nicobar mega project

[Interview] A photographer on his long-term effort to document human-wildlife interactions