31 stories

Indus river dolphins in troubled waters

Mugger crocodiles may be physiologically stressed in disturbed habitats

Land use changes and roads disrupt genetic connectivity of herbivores in central India

The hispid hare’s habitat in Himalayan grasslands is shrinking fast

What’s on the menu? Understanding the diverse diet of fishing cats

Understanding roosting habits of the Indian flying fox to improve conservation

The dietary habits of endangered vultures

Waterbirds adapt to nest and roost in the urban oases of Udaipur

Tilapia, highly adaptable and invasive fish, found growing in marine waters

An invasive plant is threatening sloth bear habitats and could increase conflict

Silence of the wolves: How human landscapes alter howling behaviour

Hangul population in Kashmir could go extinct without intervention, finds long-term study

Assam study shows bats are crucial for natural pest control in paddy fields

The gharial attempts a second comeback with help from the Katarniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary

How preserving forests could save the Indian giant squirrel

The curious case of the woolly-necked stork and its rising numbers in Haryana

Attacks by dogs a serious concern for the revered blackbuck in Haryana

A new study from Karnataka evidences the impact of windfarms on biodiversity

Invasive freshwater fish are thriving in the Ganges, aided by increasing temperatures

The ‘mad babul’ spreads its roots, dominating Indian desert fox habitat

News and Inspiration from Nature's Frontline.