This week’s environment and conservation news stories rolled into one.
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A restored wetland brings hope to some in Chennai
Puducherry Keni Kulam, a 10-acre pond in Chennai’s IT corridor, was plagued by pollution, water hyacinth and weak bunds. After its restoration in 2018, the water quality has improved and it now attracts birds.
India’s forest cover is rising but northeast and tribals lose
The Indian government has just released the India State of Forest Report 2019, which shows an increase of 5,188 square kilometres of forest and tree cover across the country compared to the ISFR 2017.
Natural history notes from nature’s frontlines in India, for 2019
Amidst discussions on elections and extreme weather events that dominated 2019, we brought to you whiffs of fresh air with stories on the wonderful creatures we share our home with.
Innovation boosts income for Jharkhand’s potato farmers
Two- and three-tier bamboo structures are being made by farmers to store potatoes for a longer period of time. These structures have helped reduce rotting to a great extent.
Can the Indian film industry call lights, camera, climate action?
At a time when carbon-intensive industries such as energy and aviation are highlighted in the fight against climate change, the film industry is yet to get on board with climate action.
A dose of eco-optimism: Stories of hope and inspiration in 2019
In 2019, we reported stories about communities, individuals and even local governments, all across the country, taking positive action towards environmental and biodiversity conservation.
Dust storms could spread microbes, finds study
A dust storm in 2015 transported microbes more than 2000 km across the Arabian Sea from the Gulf to Maharashtra in the Indian peninsula, a preliminary study has said.
Fish in Europe’s supermarkets and unsustainable fishing in India
A report by the Changing Markets Foundation followed fishmeal and fish oil supply chains “from fishery to fork.” It connected farmed-fish products in European supermarkets to unsustainable fishing practices in India, Vietnam & Gambia.
Fish meal and fish oil industries pose threat to the fishing sector in India
Tonnes of fish, including juvenile and edible ones are being processed for fish meal and fish oil (FMFO) industry, resulting in the collapse of fish stocks and marine ecology.
[Interview] India needs to tweak its policies to promote solar energy growth: Tim Buckley
Solar energy expert Tim Buckley, spoke about the impact of two developments: import duty on solar panels from China and India pulling out of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership.