This week’s environment and conservation news stories rolled into one.
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To dye or not to dye: The fashion industry’s natural dye conundrum
Why are natural dyes in limited demand despite a progressive roadmap in terms of scalability and financial growth?
As lightning kills 12 in a day, Odisha proposes large-scale palm tree plantations
Multiple studies have shown that palm trees are useful in preventing lightning strikes.
Traditional salt workers contribute to wild ass conservation and regain access to Little Rann of Kutch
Agariyas, the traditional salt workers from Gujarat, have recently regained access to the Little Rann of Kutch. The forest deptartment has acknowledged that their presence has resulted in an increase in wild ass population in the area.
The latest acknowledgment gives the Agariyas official access to land and in turn, access to bank finance and markets. But legal recognition of their traditional rights, by rights settlement, is still awaited.
The poorly studied Eurasian lynx in Ladakh needs more research for conservation
By preying on herbivores, lynxes help control their numbers, preventing overgrazing and habitat degradation.
Clouded leopards develop ways to survive competition
Researchers say that the limited knowledge and data on the species is coming in the way of building effective conservation strategies.
Wayanad is summer home for elephants, says a study
The riparian forests and swamps provide the elephants with shade and water which act as a buffer against thermal stress.
India’s clean energy goals may widen regional disparities, predicts working paper
Renewable poor states may need to curtail thermal power generation and import electricity from renewable rich states.
Low, middle income countries have deficits in infrastructure, but high risk of destruction from disasters
Health and education infrastructures in low income countries are particularly vulnerable to disasters and carry escalating risks.
[Commentary] The Atal Bhujal Yojana, meant to address groundwater depletion, is missing a key part of water flows
Considering the interdependence between surface water and groundwater sources crucial while forming water security plans.