Mining News

155 stories

“No Aravallis no vote”: People want Haryana government to spare the hills

Forest land the size of Kolkata diverted for projects over past three years

Editor’s pick: Stories that made impact in 2018

[Analysis] Will environmental issues drive the narrative in the 2019 national elections?

Mining devours Saranda, the largest sal forest in Asia

Waiting to exhale: Workers affected by lung disease await justice in Rajasthan

Meghalaya’s black holes: Unregulated rat-hole coal mines ravage environment

Plunder of the Aravallis risks lives in north India

Tribal communities in Chhattisgarh enter the election fray to stand up for themselves

Quest for black diamond leaves Korba breathless

Villages vanish in this coastal district of Kerala as they succumb to sand mining

[Commentary] Chhattisgarh makes headway on tribal rights but more is needed

Tamil Nadu villages mourn as fight against pollution takes a deadly turn

Uncertainty continues in Goa over mining judgment

Can India mine deep-sea resources without disturbing the Indian Ocean seabed ecosystem?